With the improved economic climate, and the increase in job prospects; many workers are considering career or job changes; making competition rife. If you are serious about finding your dream job, you must be ready to apply for a job instantaneously – on your mobile device and social media!
Mobile device use in Ireland:
It is not hard to tell, Ireland is mobile mad! 90% of Irish adults (three million people!) have a mobile device. The numbers of people with access to a tablet has increased from 64% to 71% (higher than the European average (Ipsos MORI on behalf of Deloitte).
37% of Irish people access the internet most often via a mobile device. In 2018, more people accessed the internet on a mobile device than desktops. 52.2% of all website traffic worldwide was generated through mobile phones, up from 50.3 percent in the previous year (Statista 2018).
The dominance of smartphones and their usage is only going to increase in the coming years which means that activities that we conventionally used PCs and laptops for; including work & job seeking, will migrate onto the mobile device.
43% of mobile device owners in America have used their mobile to look up information about jobs and 39% have used their phone to submit a job application (Pew Research Centre, 2015).
Today, job seekers expect to view jobs seamlessly on their mobile device and apply to them quickly and easily. A copy of your resume must be easily accessible.
Is the CV Dead?
Because of this increase in mobile device usage, many are insinuating that “In the game of getting noticed, the CV is dead”.
Let’s not get carried away with this – the CV is no longer THE ONLY way of securing an interview; with many job seekers using various relevant channels to get noticed; interlacing a coherent story to promote themselves.
The online age has shifted a lot of information online into digital form; where applicants enter their work and educational history into a form which allows employers and recruiters to find top talent.
Additionally, with the increase in AI tools, employers can use specific software to weed out the no-hopers.
The A.I. Paradox:
Because of the pace of technological advancement and innovation, there is an argument rising that robots will eventually take our jobs. However, “technological change leads to job creation as well as automation, and these two effects are interdependent: History has repeatedly borne this out”(Cisco, Oxford Economics, 2017).
Technology, whether it be “workforce science”, “data aggregation” or “Big Data” has already changed the way people find jobs. Look no further than the way job recruitment has changed.
Traditional routes of job seeking such as sending a CV to 25 recruiters or companies and waiting, is over. Companies are harvesting and interpreting online activities of potential candidates; availing of large databases of candidate information; using data aggregation and keyword analysis to find suitable candidates in order to identify the candidate with the “perfect fit”.
That being said, we may have to assume that with the increase in A.I, work in the future may not be full-time equivalent spanning a person’s lifetime – there is already a shift in full time to contract or agency work, which is likely to become the norm.
Tell the story of your brand – YOU!
Of course, none of this means that a well-thought out, up-to-date CV is useless. Self-assessment provides invaluable information to enable career decisions; where you can identify the match between your acknowledged values & skills to the requirements of career fields and suitable companies.
Even if you don’t upload your CV in full to a website, the process of writing a CV will have helped you focus on how best to present your strengths and your brand – YOU!
Be Successful in Your Job Search – Tips for Success
What can Recruit Island do for you – the job seeker?
Recruit Island is a huge repository of information about job seekers and the skills they have. It is a platform where people can advertise their talents, store their work personas in a searchable, communicable form showcasing a lifetime of work.
How do I apply via mobile?
- On your browser, go to our website recruitisland.wpengine.com
Tip: for instant access to jobs, add Recruit Island to your Homescreen

- If you are browsing Recruit Island for career opportunities on your mobile and find the perfect job, click the ‘Apply Online’ button. You will first be asked to fill out your contact details then add your CV.
Attach your CV to your application from your cloud storage application (Google Drive/Dropbox/Box/One Drive) or upload your CV from your mobile device or tablet.
- Once uploaded, complete the remaining fields and hit “Send Application”
How do I sign up to text alerts?
If you are searching for jobs mainly from your mobile device, let the jobs come to you! Sign up for text or email alerts whenever a new, relevant, job is posted on Recruit Island.
- Click here to sign up for weekly job alerts & enter your contact details
- Choose the most relevant category for your dream job
- Click the Subscribe Now button.
What can Recruit Island do for you – the employer?
Online platforms are fast becoming the quickest way to shortlist quality staff and if an employer knows what they want, they can make a sound recruitment decision quickly and effectively.
Click here to register your employer profile
We are offering, for a limited period, FREE 30 day job posting for employers and companies hiring.
Escape the recruitment nightmare, visit Recruit Island where we have thousands of profiles already live, make your next recruitment process an easier and more rewarding experience.
Article Written By:
Donna Farrell