5 Ways to Manage Your Workload in the Run-Up to Christmas

5 Ways to Manage Your Workload in the Run-Up to Christmas

Christmas time always creeps around faster than expected, the month of December seems to come and go in the blink of an eye. You decide to check over that list of things to do before the end of the year and instead of ticking off your workload, you realise you have far more left to do than you expected right before your Christmas break! Don’t worry, in order to keep you stress-free this year, here are 5 ways to manage your workload in the run-up to Christmas.

1. Focus on what’s urgent

Work list at Christmas to manage your workload

Make a list of duties you can realistically get done before Christmas. Focus on the urgent tasks and do them one at a time so you can tick them off with satisfaction as soon as they are done. There is no point in keeping items on your list that will take far too long and that are not even urgent in the first place. Can they wait until the new year? Only list the most urgent items and focus on them.

2. Decorate your workspace

Decorate that desk to get in the festive spirit! This will bring your mood up and make your desk look super pretty too. Everyone in the office will be jealous of your decorative display. Why not pop on some Christmas tunes too to create a cheerful atmosphere? You’ll be dancing and ticking off that work list in no time at all.

3. Time off work scheme

It is always good to avail of any time off work schemes with your employer during the run-up to Christmas and over the Christmas period. At Recruit Island, everyone is looked after and has the support they need. To ease the stress of life over Christmas, Balance Time was created which is a flexible time currency for everyone in Recruit Island to cater to important non-work commitments as and when they arise. It will help you balance your time over the Christmas period, one of the busiest times of the year. This means if you have an appointment, Christmas shopping, or a favour that you need to fulfill during the working day, Balance Time can be used. You essentially take the time needed but you make back that time within 1 week (or as specified by your manager). Balance Time is intended for sporadic work/life conflicts that occur.

4. Call on helpers

If you are taking on too much, call on helpers. It is not just Santa who needs helpers. Spread the load and if there is something someone else can help with, then why not ask them, I am sure they would be happy to help. It is Christmas after all!

5. Take a break

Work Christmas coffee to manage your workload

Without regular breaks it is difficult to stay focused as our brains get tired and we tend to lose concentration. It is important to take regular breaks to refresh. Why not eat that mince pie that is staring at you and make a nice cup of tea to gather your thoughts before your next item is ticked off.

So be sure to follow our above steps and you’ll soon be singing out the door with that list ticked off, ready for those Christmas ho ho ho holidays!

From all of us here at Recruit Island, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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