As love is in the air with Valentines Day approaching and you have gotten through the dreaded drought of January, things are starting to look up……..or are they…….. do you love everything in your life or is it time to make some changes?
Sitting at your desk doing your typical 9-5 Monday to Friday job?
Bored, no satisfaction, no love or motivation, no promotions available?
BUT Hey – its close to home and you know the job inside out?
If you are settling – you need to question:
- What am I doing here?
- Do I want to continue doing this role forever?
- Do I love what I am doing?
- Am I really in a job that I love?

There comes a time when you realise that the job you are in is not for you anymore.
- You don’t have the same passion and drive as you used to,
- It begins to eat into your confidence,
- Your self-moral is leaving you feeling that the monotonous job is not testing your skills anymore.
Sound like you?
It’s important with any job that it challenges you and feeds your ambition and motivation.
Do you feel a Sense of Loyalty:
Are you married to your job out of loyalty?
Oftentimes, when you are with a company for a long period of time; there’s a loyalty aspect which forms that can eat into your personal life and prevent you from spending your time at home with family and loved ones. This leaves you with no quality time for yourself.
Do you feel Stuck in a Rut?
By staying long term in the same organisation, you can begin to lose touch with the outside world and you find it difficult to move away from what you know; even when you do not love what you do.
The thing is – Unless there is room for growth, promotion and the ability to progress within the company (new challenges/motivation/love for the role); you will feel that you have had your fill and want something new to bite your teeth into.

When you have made the decision to move on 🙌 numerous things begin to run through your mind.
- The Right Choice?
When everyone leaves a job; whether it be a long term position to a temporary role; it is common to question yourself and pray that you are making the right choice.
- Regret / Fear
You pray you will find that dream job, take the leap and WON’T regret the move.
The single task of moving out of your comfort zone gives you more ambition and confidence, just remember that you can do any role that you desire if you put your heart and mind into it. You just need to get over the initial fear (fear of change, fear of insecurity, fear of the unknown, fear of facing fear and stepping out of your comfort zone).
If you have had various roles in the past 2 years; many would pray that this does not look bad on your CV.
On the one hand, it is good to stay long term in a company as it will grow your skills and experience, but sometimes you have to take the leap as the role is just not for you leaving you very unhappy.
“Job hopping”– as discussed in our blog “What Will Temp Look Like In The Future” – shows that you have ambition, you are welcome to trying new challenges and you are adaptable which are all strengths.
As long as you have good reasoning behind leaving your previous roles and sell yourself to your employer there is no reason as to why you shouldn’t get your dream job, it just might take a little longer than planned.

So, we all have an image of the job we would love in our heads:- Aircraft Pilot, Scientist, Doctor, Actor, Vet, HR, Finance etc etc.
For everyone it’s different. So how do you define the following:
- What your dream job would be?
- What is your driver?
Factors to be considered:
Internal Factors:
- The line of work you would love to get into?
The role: What type of career are you looking for?
- Maybe you are at the beginning of your career and you are still lost as to what your ideal career would be?
- Maybe it’s a complete different direction you wish your career to go in?
- Would you love it to be office based, maybe you have a head for figures or maybe you are a people person and would love to be in a helping role.
- Maybe you’re in a line of work that you just happened to fall into, maybe it was the only job at the time that was available when there was a shortage of roles?
2. Do you have the qualifications for the role, are there particular traits you require to do the job?
If you do – great, if not – never panic. There are numerous online courses or distance learning that you can do in the comfort of your own home or if you need more direction there are multiple evening courses you can take. If you put some research and time into it, you will find the one that will suit you best.
3. Is salary an important factor to consider?
Salary – You need to identify your priorities in a role – would it be the salary to provide for your family or to sustain a life that you enjoy? It could be that you are in a lot of debt and need to get it cleared so you need to ensure that salary is one of your top priorities.
Put a plan in place of all the outgoings you have and the monies you would need to fulfill your personal experiences outside of work – this will give you a good indicator as to what salary you would require.
Experience: Following salary will come experience – you may not have acquired enough experience or have the qualifications to get you to your goal salary so be prepared to put your ideal salary to the back burner for now; but have that as your end goal. Experience will only come in time so make sure that you are on the right career path allowing you to move up the ranks.
External Factors:
What is important to you?
Our blog article “Be Successful in Your Job Search – Tips for Success” touches on the importance of self-reflection in order to identify your values, interests, skills, goals and what you want from a job.
As important as it is to be doing the job of your dreams, there are other factors that you need to consider when researching for that dream job.
- Flexi Time – for a lot of people this is a big factor, when you have a family or outside commitment, it’s great to find a company that have flexi time as an option.
- Location – Is there going to be a long commute to the role that will eat into your time and are you committed to doing a long commute over a long period of time.
- Working from home – is this something that is important to you? Not all companies offer this so it’s important when moving to a new role, that you have done your research.

Always remember to take control of your career –
“You only get one shot” in life so make sure you follow the career path of your dreams.
About one third of human life is spent working. It is imperative you are in a job you love and only you can make this happen.
Take that first step today and MAKE THE CHANGE, you could be sitting in a month / years’ time in that dream job you always wanted.
This is where we come in to help 😊 …………..
At Servisource we are here to assist you in finding your dream job. Go onto our online Jobs board Recruit Island where you can retrieve contact details of our highly skilled consultants.
We have plenty of information should you need career advice, assistance with interview techniques or need assistance in preparing a CV.
You will find hundreds of jobs we have on our website. If you are seeking roles within Admin & Finance, Healthcare, Construction, Logistics & Warehousing, Education Support; wanting to work with a Globally renowned company or wanting to get into the Public Sector we have it all.
Article Written By:
Lisa Russell| Account Manager | Admin & Finance Division
DD: +353 42 936 8319 | Tel: +353 (0) 42 93 52723