Unplanned pregnancy? Last minute holiday? Sickness? Unscheduled leave… These are just a few obstacles a business owner faces (on top of actually managing a company) which can lead them pulling their hair out with stress!!! 🤣

Ok, so we’ve covered the benefits of agency work for candidates – but what exactly are the benefits of hiring temporary staff to your business?
Let’s be serious, the bottom line comes down to time and money; which just so happens to be one of the benefits of hiring temporary staff (how fitting 😉)
- Hiring Temporary Staff saves you Time
So, say Susan on reception decides she needs to find herself and unexpectedly quits. We all know, a business relies heavily on administration assistants & receptionists to ensure the office run efficiency (and in general 🙌).
What do you do? The hiring process can take from weeks to months to find the perfect candidate. Hiring temporary workers can be a much quicker turnaround.
All you have to do is: pick up the phone to Recruit island, and we will find the perfect candidate for you.
- Hiring Temporary Staff Saves you money
In the words of Trump, ““I have made the tough decisions, always with an eye toward the bottom line.”
And that folks, is all that matters to any business, whether an SME or large Multinational. It is vital to reduce overheads in order to increase profits.
In this regard, hiring temporary staff can be extremely cost effective.
Servisource Managed Services Solutions provide innovative, cost effective workforce managed services solutions, mitigating risk and maximising profits for our clients.
We streamline the procurement of vital staff; taking responsibility for the recruitment, screening, testing, and hiring of temporary staff (reducing your recruiting & hiring costs and time (Win-Win).
We will also ensure temporary staff are trained for the job, so you can reduce your training costs (Servisource Training).
Not only that, we take control of rostering, compliance, & payroll with no risk to your business. (Honestly why are you still reading this and not on the phone to us yet 😉)
Unsure as to when hiring temporary staff would be appropriate for you?
How about when one of your employees gets sick suddenly. Or your biggest client moves their project deadline up and you don’t have the staff on hand? Or you just don’t have the skills in house? Which just so happens to lead me to my next BENEFITS of hiring temporary staff:
- Hiring Temporary Staff provides Flexibility / Adaptability (especially in an unstable economy #Brexit)
Hiring Temporary staff can offer employers more adaptability in an unpredictable economy, which is probably why; when the recession hit Ireland, the availability of standard full-time permanent jobs decreased while part-time temporary jobs continued to increase (OECD, 2015).
Read our Blog: What will Temp Admin Look Like in the Future?
With Brexit coming up at the end of the month, there is an undertone of uncertainty as to how it will affect business in Ireland.
Hiring temporary staff gives you the ability to adapt – bring on more staff when needed or scale back the workforce – in response to economic demand.
What if you get this new, exciting project; but you just don’t have certain specialised skills within your organisation? Hiring Temporary Staff will solve this issue!!
- Hiring Temporary Staff gives your company access to New Skills
Traditionally, people viewed temporary staff as being relatively young with low levels of training. However, more and more; business owners are realising that although it may look like someone is “job hopping” on their CV; they have actually gained invaluable, transferrable skills and industry exposure, that can benefit their organisation.
Have you hit a skills gap obstacle?
Temporary staff will have a specialised skill set relevant to your business or project; who are experienced and accustomed to working on varied and niche projects. As well as all of these benefits; outside eyes can change the way your business operates for the better.
- Try Before you Buy!
Is your employee turnover high? Where are you going wrong?
Finding employees that are the right fit for your workplace is a challenge – and most commonly a lengthy one at that!
By hiring temporary staff, you have two options:
- Temporary staff will fill the demand gap, alleviating the urgency to find that perfect candidate Yesterday!! Giving you time to invest in your recruitment process and find the right candidate.
- Hire temporary staff as a “trial run” which gives you the option of evaluating the candidates performance, their cultural fit and overall impact on your business; without the financial commitment of a permanent job offer.
Will hiring Temporary Staff be beneficial to your business?
We recommend you go analyse your business needs; your yearly strategy and identify if any of the above would benefit you. And when you do decide that hiring temporary staff is the ideal option for your business; give us a call on 0818 919 355 or Contact Us via our website
Article Written By:
Donna Farrell