How to Reach your Career Goals

Most of all we want a prestigious career but it can be hard to maintain a healthy work/life balance. While you are striving towards your career goals, don’t forget to be happy right now as happiness is a journey. Everyone has different dreams and aspirations, some of which can be tough and take a long time. Here are some tips to set long term career goals and achieve your success.

1. Make a list

Write down all your career goals and dreams. Prioritise them. Figure out what you need to do to achieve them.

First of all, if you are unsure of what your career goals are then ask yourself some questions, in addition assess yourself and finally, figure it out.

  1. What are you most proud of achieving this year? Personally, or professionally?Make a list of career goals
  2. Things have you achieved in your career?
  3. Describe your ideal working environment?
  4. List the most important job benefits to you?
  5. What position would you most like to have?
  6. Would you like to work as part of a team or as an individual?
  7. What do you want your job to do for you?
  8. Note the kind of person you want to be?
  9. Who do you most admire?
  10. Be vocal about what career success is to you?
  11. Visualise the impact you want to make or have on the people you work with?
  12. What do you feel is your closest calling?
  13. If no obstacles stood in the way of your goals what would you do?

2. Create Schedules

Making a schedule gives you structure. Schedules can make it less stressful to complete tasks as you are more prepared and you are also more likely to complete them if you have time-frames and direction.

3. Share

Express your goals to your family and friends. Telling those close to us can help as it is not always easy conquering things alone. Friends and family will lend support and encouragement, making it easier to achieve goals. They can also help by giving their advice and sharing ideas.

4. Knowledge & Skills

Broaden your knowledge and enhance your skill set. Work on areas where you feel you can improve on, for example, improving your presentation skills. Increasing your knowledge by taking a course or by reading books relevant to your career. If you are not learning, you are not improving.

5. Network

Create a LinkedIn Profile and network with other professionals in your area or the area which you aspire to be in. Get involved in conversations, give your opinion and reach out to people for advice.

6. Overnight Success

careers are not made overnightYou must start somewhere, and more than likely it will be at the bottom. Don’t let this put you off, dreams don’t happen overnight and even some of the most famous, professional people started at the bottom. Walt Disney was fired from Missouri Newspaper for not having enough creativity before going on to be nominated for 59 academy awards and winning 32, holding the record of most Oscars won by an individual.

7. Remain Positive

Be more positive. People are way more likely to be productive and achieve tasks and goals if they are in a positive mindset.

8. Get Healthy

Make smart choices when it comes to food and exercise. A healthy body creates a healthy mind. It is not breaking news that eating well and exercising have several mental and physical health benefits including the reduction of stress, releasing feel-good endorphin’s, improving confidence, boosting brainpower and increases productivity to name a few.

9. Fear

Don’t be Afraid. Facing your fears can be motivational and once you do it you will not regret it. Don’t be afraid to leave your comfort zone. You will never be challenged or move forward if you are stuck in your comfort zone.

10. Inspiration

Search for Inspiration. A work colleague you aspire to be, a family member you want to make proud. Look for what it is that inspires you and work for it.

11. Believe in yourself

Be kind to yourself and believe in yourself. Become independent and enjoy your own company. Don’t give up, there is no reason why you can’t do anything! Remind yourself of why you’re doing what you’re doing. There will be ups and downs, that’s life. It’s OK to make mistakes and for motivation to dip. Remember the benefits.

12. Rewards

The main reason for setting out to achieve goals is for the rewards gained afterwards. After completing something on your list, rewards yourself with something.

Tips on reaching your career goals from our Permanent Recruitment Manager, Aileen McCann:

  1. Envisage and you will succeed (Pin a picture of the car you want up on your wall and look at it each day- you need to get that promotion to get the car!)
  2. Believe in yourself
  3. Get over your fears
  4. Tell someone your goal to make it more real
  5. Get a coach (professional or someone you work with – to bounce off each day)
  6. Plan – make a road map and route the easiest and quickest way to get to your goal
  7. Leave behind those who will hold you back
  8. Surround yourself with those who will get you to your goals or who you need their assistance to get it.
  9. Stay positive
  10. Check in with yourself along the way make sure you are still on track if not reroute and get back on the track

Good luck ….

For more tips and expert advice on Personal Goal Setting our friends at MindTools have written an excellent article on How to take your career to the next level by setting yourself SMART Goals.