4 Tips To Get Through Winter

5 tips on finding the right homecare provider
Diversity and Inclusion in the Irish Workplace: Best Practices for Recruiters and Employers

4 Tips To Get Through Winter

At the start of a new year there is a lot pressure to get back into the usual daily routine after Christmas break. Winter can be an especially challenging time, but with a little effort it can be a successful month. Try these 4 tips to get through winter that will help reduce stress levels and encourage productivity. From learning a new skill to setting professional goals, these methods are simple yet highly effective approaches towards making sure you hit the ground running after the Christmas festivities.

1. Start a New Hobby

When it comes to life satisfaction, starting a new hobby can be incredibly rewarding. Not only does it open up the opportunity to gain knowledge, but it also sets you on the path to discovering and improving capabilities in other areas of life too.

Enroll in an art class or try a hand at knitting, these are two cosy skills for the cold, winter nights. Learn to play an instrument or join a sports club, these are rewarding hobbies that can impact your future in very positive ways, from meeting new friends to discovering talents you never knew you had.

4 Tips To Get You Through Winter

Did You Know?

Studies demonstrate that drawing is known to reduce anxiety and helps regulate sadness, when used as a way to distract from negative thoughts and feelings.

Starting an art class

2. Go for a Walk at Lunch

It’s important to find meaningful ways to spend lunch breaks while the sun is out and make the most of valuable time during the day. In January it’s dark in the mornings and dark by early evening so it’s difficult to get some sun rays. Some great options are taking a walk at lunch time or jogging around the neighbourhood or local park to soak in some vitamin D. Not only does this help you stay physically fit, but it can also be great for recharging mentally.

Vitamin D is known to play an important role in regulating mood and decreasing the risk of depression. Studies say the best time to get Vitamin D from the sun is between 10am and 3:30pm. Ideas and productivity will be flowing when returning back to work after that 3pm slump.

4 Tips To Get Through Winter

3. Eat Healthily

To stay healthy in the colder months, women are advised to aim for around 2,000 calories a day and 2,500 calories a day for men. This is the same as the recommended daily calorie intake, but it needs to increase slightly in order to keep warm during winter.

This time of year can be a difficult time to keep up with healthy eating habits, however, by learning some new skills in the kitchen, delicious and nourishing meals can make it easier to keep on top of this. Healthy eating helps the immune system to stay strong during winter and is great for both body and soul.

4 Tips To Get Through Winter

Winter Cooking Tips

Start your day with porridge which is filled with energy-boosting iron, and add sliced fruit to make it more flavoursome. Eat smaller but healthier meals by portioning them out by hand instead of emptying them out, which can leave you eating more than your body needs, making you feel lethargic. Cook and then freeze nourishing soups and stews to keep you warm and full during these dark days. Adding some ginger to can aid in warding off flues and colds.

Hand Portioning Guide:

– A portion of protein is 1 palm
– A portion of fat is 1 thumb
– A portion of vegetables is 1 fist
– A portion of carbohydrate is 1 cupped handful
– A snack portion, if needed, would be the complete size of 1 palm

5 Tips To Get You Through Winter

4. Apply for that Job/Course

Job hunting can be a great start to the new year. It could be that change needed and there is no better time to start than in those first few months of the year. With the right preparation and guidance, it’s possible to make strides towards achieving this goal. Whether applying for a new position or wanting to explore potential courses, there are many options available. From researching job openings to preparing CVs and cover letters, begin with baby steps and work upwards.

Recruit Island’s blog Unlocking Your Potential in 2024 highlights some ways to do this. It could be the boost needed to start that new career journey. LinkedIn Learning, provides video courses taught by industry experts in software, creative and business skills and is a subsidiary of LinkedIn. All the courses on LinkedIn fall into four categories: Business, Creative, Technology and Certifications. It can be a great way to learn while working, with plenty of options to choose from.

4 Tips To Get Through Winter

Winter can be a challenging season, but with these 4 tips in mind, it can be navigated with ease and it is possible to find moments of joy in the midst of the cold and darkness. Self-care, staying active, embracing winter activities, maintaining a healthy diet, and setting new goals can create a sense of accomplishment. It will make it easier to not only survive winter but also thrive during this unique and beautiful season. So bundle up, stay positive, and make the most the time available.

Recruit Island can guide you in the right direction in 2024 and beyond.

Diversity and Inclusion in the Irish Workplace: Best Practices for Recruiters and Employers

5 tips on finding the right homecare provider
Diversity and Inclusion in the Irish Workplace: Best Practices for Recruiters and Employers

Diversity and Inclusion in the Irish Workplace: Best Practices for Recruiters and Employers

Diversity and inclusion in the workplace are becoming increasingly important considerations for employers, recruiters, and HR professionals. This is especially true of Irish workplaces, organisations must be proactive in their efforts to create diverse and inclusive teams. It is not only a moral imperative but also a strategic advantage for employers, fostering innovation, enhancing employee engagement, and improving overall business performance. As such, having a comprehensive understanding of how to effectively promote diversity and inclusivity should be at the forefront of every recruiter’s mind when sourcing potential candidates.

By carrying out best practices, recruiters and employers working within the Irish employment market create more equitable workplaces, become dynamically diverse and stay ahead when it comes to their future workforce makeup.

Inclusive teams are over 35% more productive and diverse teams make better decisions 87% of the time, according to D&I Global Market Report.

Our Top Tip

Honour workers’ cultural and religious practices through a simple activity such as sending an email in a celebratory fashion or by issuing paid time off. This demonstrates respect and interest towards their culture.

Diversity and Inclusion in the Irish Workplace: Best Practices for Recruiters and Employers

At Servisource we pride ourselves on creating an all inclusive work environment where everyone can feel welcomed. We take part in BeProud virtual cafes, training days around diversity, equity and inclusivity, as well as awareness days. Diversity Equity & Inclusion are at the heart of how we operate and as a certified “Great place to work”, this helps us to build trusted relationships with clients and staff.

Develop a Clear Inclusive Strategy

Developing an effective strategy is essential to ensuring that the workplace is a welcoming and accepting environment for everyone. There are several key best practices that can guide efforts in this area.

Diversity and Inclusion in the Irish Workplace: Best Practices for Recruiters and Employers
  • Define measurable goals and objectives for inclusivity within the organisation.
  • Integrate inclusivity into the company’s mission, values, and business strategies.
  • Employers can create an action plan that addresses barriers to diversity and provides solutions.
  • Building strong relationships with diverse communities is also crucial which can help to ensure that employees feel comfortable and supported at work.

Employers should continuously re-evaluate the strategy and measure its effectiveness to ensure it is achieving its intended outcomes.

Provide Diversity Training

Training should be about promoting understanding and acceptance of different cultures, beliefs, and backgrounds. Employers should also focus on offering a variety of resources to support diversity, not just training sessions.

Diversity and Inclusion in the Irish Workplace: Best Practices for Recruiters and Employers
  • Offer training programs for employees, hiring managers, and recruiters on unconscious bias, cultural awareness, and inclusive communication.
  • Ensure that all employees understand the importance of diversity and inclusion and how it contributes to the company’s success.
  • Everyone should feel comfortable and acknowledged in a training environment in order for it to be successful.
  • Resources like affinity groups, mentorship programs, and educational materials can help create a more inclusive and equitable workplace.

A commitment to ongoing diversity training can foster a positive and supportive environment for all employees.

Implement Inclusive Hiring Practices

As the push for inclusivity in the workplace continues to grow, recruiters and employers must implement inclusive hiring practices in order to attract and retain a diverse range of talent.

Diversity and Inclusion in the Irish Workplace: Best Practices for Recruiters and Employers
  • Review your current recruitment strategies and revise any exclusionary language or requirements.
  • Recruiters and employers must collaborate to create job descriptions that highlight the essential skills and competencies needed for the position without creating unnecessary barriers for applicants.
  • Partnerships with organisations should be established that serve underrepresented populations to increase the visibility of open positions and diversify the applicant pool.

By incorporating these best practices, recruiters and employers can create an inclusive hiring process that benefits both the organisation and its employees.

Expand Recruitment Channels

As the world becomes more and more digitised, traditional ways of recruiting candidates are no longer enough. Employers and recruiters need to expand their recruitment channels in order to reach the most qualified candidates.

Diversity and Inclusion in the Irish Workplace: Best Practices for Recruiters and Employers
  • Utilising social media channels like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook can greatly increase the reach of job postings and even help with employer branding.
  • Encouraging current employees to refer qualified candidates can not only save time and money, but can also lead to hiring individuals who are a good culture fit with the company.
  • Creating partnerships with educational institutions, community organisations, and local job boards can help tap into talent pools that may have been overlooked.

In order to effectively expand recruitment channels, employers and recruiters need to be proactive and adaptable in their approaches.

Embracing diversity and inclusion in the workplace is an increasingly important element for employers and recruiters in Ireland. By using the above effective strategies, they can play an invaluable role in fostering equitable working environments. Having a diverse and inclusive workforce helps make sure that everyone has a seat at the table and feels valued. This increased sense of belonging leads to greater morale across the board and higher productivity rates.

Ultimately, it is up to recruiters and employers to ensure that all workers feel welcome and respected through intentional recruiting methods that support diversity and inclusion-related initiatives.

Contact Recruit Island for all your inclusive recruitment needs.

5 Tips To Get You Through January


January Heart

At the start of a new year, there is a lot pressure to get back into the usual daily routine after the Christmas break. January can be an especially challenging month for everyone, but with a little effort you can set yourself up for success this year by trying our 5 tips to get you through January that will help you by reducing stress levels and encouraging productivity. From learning a new skill to staying social, these methods are simple yet highly effective approaches towards making sure you hit the ground running this month. If you’re ready to discover how you can get through this January in the most productive and healthy way possible, read on!

Start a New Hobby

Did You Know?

Art helps to increase the connectivity and plasticity in the brain. New or complex activities will lead to the creation of new connections between brain cells.

Starting an art class

When it comes to life satisfaction, starting a new hobby can be incredibly rewarding. Not only does it open up the opportunity for you to gain knowledge, but it also sets you on the path to discovering and improving your capabilities in other areas of life too. Enrol in an art class or try your hand at knitting, two cosy skills for these cold, winter nights. Learn to play an instrument or join a sports club. These can be rewarding hobbies that can impact your future in very positive ways, from meeting new friends to discovering talents you never knew you had.

Go for a Lunch Walk

Winter lunch walk

It’s important to find meaningful ways to spend our lunch break while the sun is out and make the most of our valuable time during the day. In January it’s dark in the mornings and dark when work is finished so it’s difficult to get some sun rays. Some great options are taking a walk or jogging around the neighbourhood or local park to get that vitamin D in. Not only does this help you stay physically fit, but it can also be great for recharging mentally. Studies say the best time to get some Vitamin D from the sun would be between 10 o’clock in the morning and 3:30 in the afternoon. Ideas will be flowing when you return to work and you’ll be feeling more productive after that 3 pm slump.

Eat Healthily

To stay healthy in the colder months, aim for around 2,000 calories a day for women and 2,500 calories a day for men. This is the same as your recommended daily calorie intake, but you need to increase it slightly to keep warm!

Winter can be a difficult time for healthy eating habits; with holidays like Christmas and New Year’s, there can be temptation around every corner, like finishing off that box of Quality Streets. However, by learning some new skills in the kitchen, you can set yourself up for delicious and nourishing meals for the rest of the winter. It is important to keep your immune system strong during winter and to create dishes that are good for both your body and soul.

Try these 3 simple ideas:

  1. Start your day with porridge which is filled with energy-boosting iron, and add sliced fruit to make it more flavoursome.
  2. Eat smaller but healthier meals by portioning them out by hand instead of emptying them out, which can leave you eating more than your body needs making you feel lethargic.

Hand Portioning Guide:

A portion of protein is 1 palm.

A portion of fat is 1 thumb.

A portion of vegetables is 1 fist.

A portion of carbohydrate is 1 cupped handful.

A snack portion, if needed, would be the complete size of 1 palm.

3. Cook and then freeze nourishing soups and stews to keep you warm and full during these dark days. TIP: Adding some ginger to them can aid in warding off flues and colds.

Apply for that Job/Course

Learning/new job in the new year

Job hunting can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t need to be. With the right preparation and guidance, you can take your career in a new direction and make strides towards achieving your dream job! Whether you are applying for a new position or want to explore potential courses, there are many options available that could help move you closer towards achieving your goals. From researching job openings to preparing resumes and cover letters – begin with baby steps in January and work your way towards the end goal. Recruit Island’s New Year New You blog gives you the current job openings available now. It could be the boost you need to start your new career journey.

One company with current vacancies, offering further development courses is Servisource, who have a Learning and Development programme that provides internal staff the option to develop their leadership potential, and confidence, and equip them with the necessary skills to become future leaders within the business. 

Upskilling at work

Another useful learning platform is LinkedIn Learning, it provides video courses taught by industry experts in software, creative and business skills and is a subsidiary of LinkedIn. All the courses on LinkedIn fall into four categories: Business, Creative, Technology and Certifications.

It can be a great way to learn while working, with plenty of options to choose from. There are so many different upskilling courses, just begin with the first step of applying/joining and you’ll be a pro in no time!

Stay Social

Did You Know?

Loneliness is associated with higher rates of:
Depression, suicide, heart disease and dementia.

Being social with friends

It’s important to stay social and avoid hibernating during the month of January. As January begins and winter continues to bring feelings of isolation during these challenging times, it is more important than ever to stay connected with friends and family. It’s the perfect time to rekindle relationships or build new ones that can help you feel connected in an isolated world. It should be a priority for you in order to prevent feelings of loneliness and seasonal affective disorder (SAD). SAD is a type of mood disorder, a variant of major depressive disorder (MDD) associated with seasonal changes during the winter months. 

So call that friend and go for that coffee, join a Meetup group or call a family member and check in.

Similar to other depressive disorders, SAD tends to be more prevalent in women than men. 
SAD is generally first diagnosed between the ages of 18 and 30, but SAD can and does affect any age group.

It’s good to take care of yourself during January and these tips will help you to do just that. Working long hours can take its toll, especially in the winter months, it’s important to stay on top of your routine and remain positive. Soon January will be over and spring will be blooming in no time.

Check out our current vacancies and opportunities today!

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The Most Effective Networking Strategies for Job Seekers in Ireland

The Most Effective Networking Strategies for Job Seekers in Ireland Networking is a crucial aspect of the job search process in Ireland, as it can help you uncover hidden job opportunities and gain insights into the job market. Having the right strategies can help you create meaningful relationships with industry professionals or even secure your…

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5 Ways to Manage Your Workload in the Run-Up to Christmas

5 Ways to Manage Your Workload in the Run-Up to Christmas

Christmas time always creeps around faster than expected, the month of December seems to come and go in the blink of an eye. You decide to check over that list of things to do before the end of the year and instead of ticking off your workload, you realise you have far more left to do than you expected right before your Christmas break! Don’t worry, in order to keep you stress-free this year, here are 5 ways to manage your workload in the run-up to Christmas.

1. Focus on what’s urgent

Work list at Christmas to manage your workload

Make a list of duties you can realistically get done before Christmas. Focus on the urgent tasks and do them one at a time so you can tick them off with satisfaction as soon as they are done. There is no point in keeping items on your list that will take far too long and that are not even urgent in the first place. Can they wait until the new year? Only list the most urgent items and focus on them.

2. Decorate your workspace

Decorate that desk to get in the festive spirit! This will bring your mood up and make your desk look super pretty too. Everyone in the office will be jealous of your decorative display. Why not pop on some Christmas tunes too to create a cheerful atmosphere? You’ll be dancing and ticking off that work list in no time at all.

3. Time off work scheme

It is always good to avail of any time off work schemes with your employer during the run-up to Christmas and over the Christmas period. At Recruit Island, everyone is looked after and has the support they need. To ease the stress of life over Christmas, Balance Time was created which is a flexible time currency for everyone in Recruit Island to cater to important non-work commitments as and when they arise. It will help you balance your time over the Christmas period, one of the busiest times of the year. This means if you have an appointment, Christmas shopping, or a favour that you need to fulfill during the working day, Balance Time can be used. You essentially take the time needed but you make back that time within 1 week (or as specified by your manager). Balance Time is intended for sporadic work/life conflicts that occur.

4. Call on helpers

If you are taking on too much, call on helpers. It is not just Santa who needs helpers. Spread the load and if there is something someone else can help with, then why not ask them, I am sure they would be happy to help. It is Christmas after all!

5. Take a break

Work Christmas coffee to manage your workload

Without regular breaks it is difficult to stay focused as our brains get tired and we tend to lose concentration. It is important to take regular breaks to refresh. Why not eat that mince pie that is staring at you and make a nice cup of tea to gather your thoughts before your next item is ticked off.

So be sure to follow our above steps and you’ll soon be singing out the door with that list ticked off, ready for those Christmas ho ho ho holidays!

From all of us here at Recruit Island, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Find out more about what Recruit Island can do for you

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Freelance vs. Full-Time: Exploring Flexible Work Arrangements in the Irish Job Market

Freelance vs. Full-Time: Exploring Flexible Work Arrangements in the Irish Job Market The way work is conducted has undergone a significant transformation in recent years. Traditional 9-to-5 office jobs are no longer the only option for those seeking employment and other more flexible arrangements have gained popularity. By exploring flexible work arrangements in the Irish…

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The Most Effective Networking Strategies for Job Seekers in Ireland

The Most Effective Networking Strategies for Job Seekers in Ireland Networking is a crucial aspect of the job search process in Ireland, as it can help you uncover hidden job opportunities and gain insights into the job market. Having the right strategies can help you create meaningful relationships with industry professionals or even secure your…

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Diversity and Inclusion in the Irish Workplace: Best Practices for Recruiters and Employers

Diversity and Inclusion in the Irish Workplace: Best Practices for Recruiters and Employers Diversity and inclusion in the workplace are becoming increasingly important considerations for employers, recruiters, and HR professionals. This is especially true of Irish workplaces, organisations must be proactive in their efforts to create diverse and inclusive teams. It is not only a…

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International Volunteer Day

International Volunteer Day

Today December 5th marks International Volunteer Day celebrating the theme of solidarity through volunteering.

International Volunteer Day

This year’s campaign highlights the power of our collective humanity to drive positive change through volunteerism. There are many advantages of volunteering, it is an excellent way to meet new people, give back to the community and help people in need. It gives you a sense of purpose while also increasing your social skills. It can even help your chances at gaining employment as it looks good on your CV, showcasing your commitment to improving yourself and helping others in society and the world.

Did you know? International Volunteer Day
  • 60% of hiring managers see the act of volunteerism as a valuable asset when making recruitment decisions.
  • 92% of human resource executives agree that contributing to a nonprofit can improve an employees leadership skills.
  • 6.5% of working-age people worldwide engage in formal volunteering via an organisation or association. 

3 Types of Volunteer Work

There are many different types of volunteering programmes and it can be difficult to choose which one is the best for you. Here we list 3 types of volunteer work where you can put your skills to good use and help out.

  1. Volunteering for Environmental Issues

As people are becoming more environmentally aware, volunteering in this area is becoming more popular. People know that it is vital to act sooner rather than later when it comes to our environment. This type of work can include farming, environmental conservation and even working with ecovillages. It can be fun if you like the outdoors, like animals and don’t mind getting a bit dirty.

2. Volunteering in Healthcare

This is an ideal situation for medical students in order to gain training however, you don’t have to be a medical student to do this type of volunteering. You could simply visit patients in hospital to keep them company, work in health food shelters or even fundraise for cancer research, the list is endless.

3. Volunteering in Education

This is a great way to give someone the knowledge you possess and can involve working with children or adults. There are a range of countries where you can travel to and do this. It will allow you to gain teaching experience as well as helping those in need.

Servisource and Volunteering

At Servisource and CPL, we have the opportunity to get involved in a volunteering programme called INSPIRE, an online mentoring programme. we believe in giving back to the communities in which we operate, which is why we actively encourage our people to avail of this chance to get involved. With our Volunteering Time Off initiative, we ensure that employees get paid for any days off used to volunteer. The programme aims to match a young person with a professional role model to support and guide them. We know that mentoring works and having a positive role model in life is critical in order to prosper.

About the Mentors

INSPIRE works by matching a young person with an experienced professional. We want you to be that positive role model and make a difference in a young person’s life. Volunteer mentors commit to regular meetings with their mentee for up to one year and Innovate Communities provide the required training and support to help them become a successful mentor. This mentoring programme is online as you could be matched with a student from anywhere but if proximity permits you can meet them in person.

This is what the mentors have to say:

Ciaran – Senior IT Developer

I find I’m feeling quite energized seeing how the mentee is drawing on my expertise. There is a real sense of satisfaction about being able to help someone younger from my community. I’m learning there’s more to these young people than I may have thought. I see my mentee’s confidence building with every meeting. I see him leading more with every interaction and being more and more specific and honest about what he needs from me.

Marian – HR/Training Consultant

I’m really enjoying it. I’ve noticed my mentee’s thought process has widened from when we first met. She is thinking about the bigger picture, the longer term and about her career.

About the Mentees

Mentors are currently working with over 150 young people aged between 18 and 25 years of age. These mentees are diverse– Irish, Migrants and Immigrants (First Generation), Irish Black, Irish Asian and represent many different nationalities. They are HEAR (Higher Education Access Route) students studying Business & Management, Computers & ICT, Health & Social Care and Science and Pharma etc. The majority are the first in their family to go to college, don’t have a professional network to engage and have voluntarily signed up to INSPIRE to receive access to a mentor.

There are a range of volunteering opportunities to choose from around the world. With an array of benefits from it such as valuable work experience, learning new things and making new friends, why not give it a try and see how your help can benefit the world. You can find out more about the INSPIRE mentoring programme here and even sign up with their online application form.

So happy volunteering and let’s help each other in solidarity throughout the world!

International Volunteer Day

You can find out more about our opportunities below.

Freelance vs. Full-Time: Exploring Flexible Work Arrangements in the Irish Job Market

Freelance vs. Full-Time: Exploring Flexible Work Arrangements in the Irish Job Market The way work is conducted has undergone a significant transformation in recent years. Traditional 9-to-5 office jobs are no longer the only option for those seeking employment and other more flexible arrangements have gained popularity. By exploring flexible work arrangements in the Irish…

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The Most Effective Networking Strategies for Job Seekers in Ireland

The Most Effective Networking Strategies for Job Seekers in Ireland Networking is a crucial aspect of the job search process in Ireland, as it can help you uncover hidden job opportunities and gain insights into the job market. Having the right strategies can help you create meaningful relationships with industry professionals or even secure your…

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Diversity and Inclusion in the Irish Workplace: Best Practices for Recruiters and Employers

Diversity and Inclusion in the Irish Workplace: Best Practices for Recruiters and Employers Diversity and inclusion in the workplace are becoming increasingly important considerations for employers, recruiters, and HR professionals. This is especially true of Irish workplaces, organisations must be proactive in their efforts to create diverse and inclusive teams. It is not only a…

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Is Hybrid Work the New Normal?

5 tips on finding the right homecare provider
Hybrid Work

Is Hybrid Work the New Normal?

It’s no secret the pandemic has upended our lives. With remote work becoming more commonplace, hybrid work has become the new normal for many organisations. Hybrid work is a combination of working from your own space as well as a company location. This may come in the form of say 3 days at home and 2 days in the office or any other combination.

It’s not an easy process moving from a fully remote working environment into a hybrid one. It may take time to adjust back to office life, after all, the pandemic is still present in society and it’s important to put health first, especially your mental health. Employees have become accustomed to the working from home ways with many starting new roles fully remotely, this is why most employers want to ease their employees back, instead of forcing them into how work life was pre-pandemic.

3 Ways Businesses Can Make Hybrid Work a Success:

  • Develop a work culture based on mental health and well-being. Whether it’s creating a free counselling programme for employees or organising online meetups such as Pilates classes, ensuring a happy work environment should be a priority. At Recruit Island we have a dedicated space for our Mental Health Toolkit which can be accessed by all employees. It includes group exercise activities, virtual cafes to discuss important topics relating to mental wellbeing as well as access to a free counselling service. This gives employees the reassurance that their employer knows how important they are.
  • Foster a culture of open communication and inclusivity within the organisation. Encourage regular check-ins between managers and remote team members to maintain a sense of connection. Use digital communication channels effectively such as Microsoft Teams to keep everyone informed about company updates, projects, and goals and any issues employees might be experiencing.
  • Sending the proper work equipment to employees so they have the ability to work efficiently during their workdays at home. This allows them to feel confident while away from the office. Many companies use the hot desking system in the office whereby desks are allocated to workers when they are required or on a rota system, which ensures everybody has a desk when they are working from the office.

A proper work/life balance is important and this is why Recruit Island has created a new Balance Time scheme for its employees. This is a flexible time currency for everyone in CPL to cater for all of the non-work commitments as and when they arise. It is our unique flexibility offering. This means if employees have an appointment or task that you need to fulfil during the working day, Balance Time can be used. You essentially take the time to fulfil the appointment or task, but you make back the time within 1 week.  

Technological advances since the pandemic began also make it easier to stay connected remotely. This has resulted in the popularity of flexible working arrangements throughout the workforce. Workspace systems such as Microsoft Teams and Zoom can allow workers to message and video each other, enabling everything to run more smoothly.

However, just like everything else, there are some advantages and disadvantages to the hybrid working setup. Let’s take a look at these.

Advantages of Hybrid Work:

According to statistics from The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), the most frequently mentioned benefit of homeworking was increased well-being through avoiding the commute (46% of survey participants), followed by enhanced well-being because of greater flexibility of hours (39%).

-Improved work/life balance
-Lower stress levels
-Flexible hours
-Less time commuting to work
-Lower costs

Advantages of hybrid work

However, there’s a real probability that when you work from home you end up spending too much time at your desk and work time can eat into your personal time. You might end up going over your required work hours without realising it or going back to your computer to finish something off. It’s important to separate your work time from your personal time while working the hybrid life.

Disadvantages of Hybrid Work:

Statistics from the CIPD also state a reduction in distractions while working hybrid also featured at 33%, although given that lockdown enforced homeworking regardless of home circumstances, some employees were still dealing with increased distractions

-Feelings of isolation
-Work intrusion
-Reliance on technology
-Distractions at home
-Scheduling difficulties

Stressed Worker

There’s also a reliance on technology and if the WIFI happens to malfunction, then certain tasks can no longer be fulfilled. A stable internet connection can be difficult in rural areas, but it has greatly improved since the pandemic. Distractions while working at home can also occur especially when taking care of family members. A comfortable environment with a proper work set-up is important which allows you to keep on top of work duties and schedules.

What does the above tell us?
Overall, there are advantages and disadvantages to working hybrid, both for the employers and the employees.
Companies are making time to allow employees to work in a way that is most comfortable to them, especially in a world that has changed so much since the pandemic began.
Mental health is important and when you have happy workers, you have a happy, thriving business.

Check out our related blog below:

Freelance vs. Full-Time: Exploring Flexible Work Arrangements in the Irish Job Market

Freelance vs. Full-Time: Exploring Flexible Work Arrangements in the Irish Job Market The way work is conducted has undergone a significant transformation in recent years. Traditional 9-to-5 office jobs are no longer the only option for those seeking employment and other more flexible arrangements have gained popularity. By exploring flexible work arrangements in the Irish…

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The Most Effective Networking Strategies for Job Seekers in Ireland

The Most Effective Networking Strategies for Job Seekers in Ireland Networking is a crucial aspect of the job search process in Ireland, as it can help you uncover hidden job opportunities and gain insights into the job market. Having the right strategies can help you create meaningful relationships with industry professionals or even secure your…

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Diversity and Inclusion in the Irish Workplace: Best Practices for Recruiters and Employers

Diversity and Inclusion in the Irish Workplace: Best Practices for Recruiters and Employers Diversity and inclusion in the workplace are becoming increasingly important considerations for employers, recruiters, and HR professionals. This is especially true of Irish workplaces, organisations must be proactive in their efforts to create diverse and inclusive teams. It is not only a…

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How to Hand in Your Notice

You have just gone through the grueling job seeking process of scrolling through numerous job boards, prepping for interview stages and finally you have been offered that amazing job you have always dreamed of. What next? It’s time to hand in that notice of resignation. This can be quite daunting especially if you have spent a long time with your current employer and have strong relationships built within the company.

As a Recruitment Consultant – I have placed many people in new positions however I find the toughest part of the process for my candidates is having to hand in their notice and avoiding those counter offers.

Let us take you through the below guide of the best steps to take when handing in your notice.


Before handing in your notice wait until you have received your New Job Offer in writing or email. When writing your resignation letter be clear and concise and have a positive conclusion. Why are you leaving? Try to avoid being negative or making things personal.

Handing your notice to your employer


As soon as you have received that job offer – hand in your notice. This gives your employer time to find a suitable replacement. Schedule a meeting with your manager at their earliest convenience and let them know that you are leaving. Most employers will wish you success in your new position – some employers may not be so congratulative. Be firm on your decision and keep the conversation short and sweet. If you require a reference this is a good opportunity to ask for it. Your employer may be in shock and overloaded with information – give them a few days to process the news.


In the moment you hand in your notice or in the days following– your manager may approach you with a counteroffer. Unless a promotion or different role has been offered – it is a good idea to resist this offer immediately. Remind yourself of why you were seeking change and how unhappy you are in your current position. Accepting the counteroffer may seem like a great short-term solution – however long term you will be in the same situation – unchallenged and seeking change. Think about your new position and why you applied for it in the first place.


It is extremely important that you leave on good terms – especially if you are seeking a reference from your manager. You should never speak negatively of your employer or the company you are leaving as you never know if you will be working with them again in the future so it’s a good idea to not sour those relationships.

Many companies will conduct an exit interview. This is an opportunity to provide constructive feedback to your employer without being too critical. Provide them with an idea or objective that they could work towards achieving rather than focusing on the negative.

Never bad mouth your company to current or future colleagues as it is unprofessional and will reflect badly on you.


Hopefully these pointers help to make this process easier for you. It’s a big change moving to a new job – but if it’s what you are seeking, it can be the first step in the right direction. Always remember to look at the bigger picture and when it comes to your career goals you need to be strategic and put yourself first!

Freelance vs. Full-Time: Exploring Flexible Work Arrangements in the Irish Job Market

Freelance vs. Full-Time: Exploring Flexible Work Arrangements in the Irish Job Market The way work is conducted has undergone a significant transformation in recent years. Traditional 9-to-5 office jobs are no longer the only option for those seeking employment and other more flexible arrangements have gained popularity. By exploring flexible work arrangements in the Irish…

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The Most Effective Networking Strategies for Job Seekers in Ireland

The Most Effective Networking Strategies for Job Seekers in Ireland Networking is a crucial aspect of the job search process in Ireland, as it can help you uncover hidden job opportunities and gain insights into the job market. Having the right strategies can help you create meaningful relationships with industry professionals or even secure your…

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Diversity and Inclusion in the Irish Workplace: Best Practices for Recruiters and Employers

Diversity and Inclusion in the Irish Workplace: Best Practices for Recruiters and Employers Diversity and inclusion in the workplace are becoming increasingly important considerations for employers, recruiters, and HR professionals. This is especially true of Irish workplaces, organisations must be proactive in their efforts to create diverse and inclusive teams. It is not only a…

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Written by: Donna Cronin

Valentine’s Competition

Happy Valentine’s Day !

To celebrate we are giving away a one4all voucher and a bottle of prosecco to one lucky member of staff.

All you have to do is tell us your valentine story – it could be the worst date you had, a funny story, something nice you’ve done for a work colleague today.

Winner picked by the CSR team at 4 pm.

Good luck everyone! 🙂

Mental Health – Finding That Work/Life Balance

Mental Health – Finding That Work/Life Balance

Your mental health and finding that work/life balance is vital for maintaining a happy, healthy life. Are the below questions/thoughts familiar? The majority of people reading this have had these thoughts at least once in their lifetime. Your mental health is nothing to dismiss and it’s important to keep it in order; we know how stressful life can get so we have come up with some tips that will help to keep your mind in its best shape.

Why do I feel like this?

What is wrong with me?

Should I talk to someone?

Did you know?

1 in 6.8 people are currently experiencing mental health problems in the workplace.

These come in the form of anxiety, depression or stress.

This prevents people from performing and achieving to the best of their ability.

When people feel valued, the workplace naturally becomes more valuable because you have people who are motivated, driven and purposefully there. Companies perform better when their staff are healthy, happy and focused. Standing by your staff/coworker when they experience a mental health problem not only shows a person you care; it shows them how valuable they are to you and the company. When you achieve this relationship the benefits in terms of loyalty and commitment from all employees is irreplaceable. 

Your mental health can be affected in a number of ways- it’s a rollercoaster of life that we are all on whether we like it or not. We can be up, we can be down, we can be going around in circles to the point where we get dizzy and we can also be climbing to our highest point to then get flung into a terrifying downward spiral.

Mental health awareness.

A study from the University of Warwick, found that there was a 12% spike in employee productivity when employees were happy. The study also found that unhappy employees were 10% less productive in the workplace.

Tips to Achieve That Work/Life Balance:

1. Know your peaks and troughs:

If you are a morning person, assign tough, high-concentration tasks to the mornings. Don’t leave the tough tasks until its night-time and vice versa. Work with what works for you!

2. Exercise is your friend – not your enemy:

It’s easy to cancel the gym, your evening walk or run because of a stressful day at the office but that helps nobody – especially you! Exercise releases natural endorphins which help lower stress levels and increase your mood. A healthy body means a fresh and healthy mind, which means you will function better and complete tasks with less stress.

3. Allow yourself some “me” time:

Sometimes we let small things slip to the side and we bury ourselves in our work and ignore what’s going on around us. Don’t do it. If you don’t make time for your personal life – your “me” time, you will burn out.

4. Do what you love and love doing it:

Make time for something you love outside of work and give it the time it deserves. It will energize and refresh you, and help you gain that work/life balance.

5. Stop and Think:

At the end of each working day, ask yourself these few questions:
What worked today? what didn’t? what went wrong and how can the issue be fixed? Don’t forget to tap into your most valuable resources around you, your peers. Your peers are crucial to your work life, never be afraid to ask them for help if its needed, sometimes all a situation or problem needs is a fresh pair of eyes!

6. Mind Your Mind:

When fear, self-doubt or anxiety creep in, do some work on your mental health such as meditation, reading a book or taking time out for that lovely evening walk. Most importantly spend time with someone who supports you and influences your life in a positive way.

7. Breathe:

Remember to take a break, some time out throughout your day.
It’s ok to step away from your desk to take a minute breather and reflect on what is going on.
Always take your lunch breaks, you don’t expect your car to run on empty – why should you expect your mind and body to do it? Also, make a point of getting up and stretching every 15 minutes, even a quick little walk around the office. It will help you become clearer, more focused and more productive.

Now….  ask yourself this, is your job making you unhappy? Do you dread getting up every morning with the thoughts of going to work? If your answer is yes, then maybe it’s time for a change of environment, a fresh start. I know it’s easy to feel stuck, like you have no other choice but to stay in the job you’re in but I’m here to tell you that doesn’t have to be the case.

You are never stuck, there are so many opportunities out there for you. Here at Recruit Island our job is to find you a role that best suits you! We match the best candidates to the most suitable roles and provide our clients with the best candidates – it’s what we do best.

If you feel like you need a change, give us a call to have a chat about your future career options, we are always happy to help.

Contact Us Below About Our Career Options:

Freelance vs. Full-Time: Exploring Flexible Work Arrangements in the Irish Job Market

Freelance vs. Full-Time: Exploring Flexible Work Arrangements in the Irish Job Market The way work is conducted has undergone a significant transformation in recent years. Traditional 9-to-5 office jobs are no longer the only option for those seeking employment and other more flexible arrangements have gained popularity. By exploring flexible work arrangements in the Irish…

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The Most Effective Networking Strategies for Job Seekers in Ireland

The Most Effective Networking Strategies for Job Seekers in Ireland Networking is a crucial aspect of the job search process in Ireland, as it can help you uncover hidden job opportunities and gain insights into the job market. Having the right strategies can help you create meaningful relationships with industry professionals or even secure your…

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Diversity and Inclusion in the Irish Workplace: Best Practices for Recruiters and Employers

Diversity and Inclusion in the Irish Workplace: Best Practices for Recruiters and Employers Diversity and inclusion in the workplace are becoming increasingly important considerations for employers, recruiters, and HR professionals. This is especially true of Irish workplaces, organisations must be proactive in their efforts to create diverse and inclusive teams. It is not only a…

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Article Written By:
Shannon Dines


You will notice in each office there are fresh cherries for you all to try. Sweet or sour, cherries are bursting with nutrition. These small fruits can help improve your health, from a better night’s rest to a trimmer tummy. They also rank as one of the most health protective foods overall. One cup, or about 21 cherries, contains less than 100 calories and 15% of your daily vitamin C needs. They are loaded with potassium, a natural blood-pressure reducer. One cup of cherries would have the same amount of potassium as a small banana.

But here are seven more reasons that I discovered why this stone fruit is a nutritional all-star.

Cherries are full of antioxidants

Cherries are a potent source of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds. These help to   slow down aging and ward off chronic illnesses—including heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, and obesity

They protect against diabetes

The anti-inflammatory effect of cherries helps keep your body healthy; but what’s more, cherries rank lower than many fruits on the glycemic index. That means they don’t trigger spikes and crashes in your blood sugar and insulin levels. This makes them both protective against diabetes, and important for managing the condition if you already have it. 

They promote healthy sleep

Tart cherries are one of the few food sources of melatonin, a hormone that helps control your sleep-wake cycles.

They can provide arthritis relief

Several studies have suggested that cherry consumption is beneficial for osteoarthritis sufferers. Regularly incorporating cherries or 100% cherry juice into your meal or snack routine may help lessen your joint pain

They lower the risk of gout attacks

This inflammatory arthritis is triggered when a waste product called uric acid crystallizes within the joints, causing excruciating pain and swelling. In one study, gout patients who consumed cherries for just two days (both the fresh fruit, as well as cherry extract and juice) showed a 35% lower risk of gout attacks compared to those who did not eat cherries.

They curb cholesterol

Research has shown that drinking tart cherry juice can help lower total cholesterol, including the “bad” type, known as LDL. That’s key because every 1% reduction in cholesterol lowers the risk of heart disease by 2%. And a high LDL is particularly worrisome in relation to heart attack risk.

They reduce post-exercise pain

In other words, cherries can make that post-HIIT workout soreness less intense. They also protect against the cellular wear and tear from exercise and help support muscle recovery. For this reason tart cherry juice is popular with professional and competitive athletes. But it can help anyone who’s regularly active.

How to max out the health benefits of cherries

There’s nothing like a bowl of fresh cherries when they’re in season. But that’s not the only way to embrace their nutritional perks. Look for frozen cherries, 100% tart cherry juice, and preservative-free dried cherries. These can be used in smoothies or overnight oats. Add the juice to sparkling water or drink it straight if struggling with sleep or as a recovery benefit from exercise.